The Official Web Site of the Rotary Club of Makati-Ayala
District 3830


Submitted by Senior Active Rtn. T.R. Mohan

Fitness Tips

Walker's training tip - make some days easier.

There's nothing wrong with walking 7 days a week and not taking a day off to rest. Unlike most forms of exercise, you're not going to burn out from walking. Your body can generally bounce back and repeat the workout in 24 hours. However, it's a good idea to take it easy one day a week and avoid pushing yourself to the maximum.

Tip: workout one day per week at a lower fitness level.

To stretch or not to stretch.

If you think that stretching is the smart way to start your workout, you're wrong. Stretching cold muscles can injure them. No matter what exercise you perform, it's essential to warm up first rather than stretch. The best technique for warming up is a less vigorous rehearsal of the sport or exercise you're about to perform. A walker, for instance, would warm up by walking at a slow pace for 3-5 minutes. Specific "rehearsal" warm ups are particularly effective in preparing both physically and psychologically for your workout. Perform gentle stretches AFTER your workouts, not before.

Middle age spread is a myth.

Middle age spread is just a flimsy excuse for excess weight. It's true that as people put on years, they tend to put on pounds. But don't blame it on biology. Blame it on the human tendency to slack off on exercise. Research shows that people in their 50s can have the same fat level as people in their 20s if they practice the same workouts.

Never too late to get fit.

Over 50 doesn't mean over the hill, even for people who have never exercised regularly. Despite years of sedentary living, it is still possible to become physically fit. A recent study found that people who had rarely exercised before could achieve fitness levels almost equal to people who had exercised regularly for 10 years.

Why does it get harder to lose weight as we get older?

Changes that occur with age, in metabolism, body composition, nutritional needs, and activity levels make weight loss difficult. As we age, our metabolism slows down and the body uses fewer calories to keep itself running. However, the real key is that we burn fewer calories simply because we tend to become less active.

Physical activity and exercise, without a doubt, are the best ways to help counter the metabolism slow down. Staying active with regular exercise helps keep a balance between the calories you take in and the ones you use up.

What's the #1 source of fat for women?

Surprisingly, it's not meat or sweets. The culprit is salad dressing (including mayonnaise) which provides 9% of your fat intake. Try using fresh-squeezed lemon juice, pepper and a light sprinkling of salt. And watch out for "light" dressings. May contain 40-50 calories per tablespoon!

Beware of potato chips.

Did you know that 8 ounces of potato chips are equivalent to an 8 ounce baked potato with 12-20 pats of butter on it! Obviously, you're better off skipping the potato chips.

Which will burn more fat, walking or running?

A mile of walking burns about as many calories as a mile of running. It just takes longer. Plus, walking offers certain weight control advantages. Half of your body's fuel comes from body fat when you walk. During a run, less than a third of the calories you burn come from fat. If your goal is weight loss, walking is the best exercise over running.

Treadmill tip.

If you feel off balance, or even dizzy, when walking on your treadmill there may be one simple remedy. Don't look from side to side, even if you're talking with someone. You'll tend to sway and lose your balance. Always look forward. If you watch TV, keep the tube in front of you.

Workout shoe tip.

If your workout shoes get drenched, don't dry them with a heater or in a clothes dryer. This can damage the shoe's shock absorbing midsoles. Instead, stuff them with newspaper which will dry them out without damage.

Redo your rear view - best moves for a better butt.

To add a butt boost to your walk, select any Beginner level walking tape (this exercise needs a slow pace). As you walk to the music, each time your heel lands on the ground, contract the same butt cheek (left heel - left cheek, right heel - right cheek). These contractions will help propel you forward as they burn extra fat and sculpt your rear. Do this 15 minutes a day - 3 times a week.

If you're overweight and out of shape.

Now that you have decided to begin walking for exercise, you may be shocked at how poor your condition is. If at first you have some difficulty keeping up with a beginner level tape, don't be discouraged. Some experts say that it takes a month of reconditioning to make up for each year of physical inactivity.

No one can tell you how long to walk at the start, but you can determine the proper time by experimenting. Try 15 minutes at 4 or 5 times a week. If that proves too tiring or too easy, reduce or lengthen your time accordingly. We have thousands of customers who now workout at the power walking level. Many of them were in such poor shape when they started that they could only walk for 3 or 4 minutes.


Reclaim you body with Walking Tapes.

Make no mistake about it - the best way to burn fat and lose weight is walking to music. In many weight loss and conditioning studies, walking has proven to be more effective than aerobics and other highly touted activities. Walking to music keeps you motivated and lowers your perceived rate of exertion. You actually workout at a higher level but it feels like you're taking it easy.

Sports Music Walking Tapes are scientifically programmed to match your fitness level. Not too fast, not too slow, but just right. By following the beat of the music, you maintain the optimum pace for fat burning. As you enjoy the music, you'll turbocharge your walk into a fat blasting party! It's fun. It's easy. And, you're going to love it. Especially when you reclaim the body you used to have.

Nature's best hi-energy drink (skip the fruit juice and soda).

Though water contains no nutrients, it does play a vital role in your body's absorption of nutrients. Do not substitute sodas or juice for water. Soda is full of chemical additives, empty calories and often caffeine. Fruit juices are certainly healthier than soda, but drinking juice to quench your thirst will likely send more sugar than you need into your bloodstream. The result: a rush of insulin which can tire you out. Simply put, there is no substitute for plain water. It's the only fluid that flushes and hydrates your system without calories, sugar, caffeine or chemical additives.

Walk this way (best tips for your walking style).

POSTURE: maintain an upright posture with your shoulders relaxed. Don't thrust your head forward or lean back.

ARMS: Swing your arms naturally and vigorously. To go faster, bend your arms at about 90 degrees, keeping your elbows close to your body. Your loosely cupped hands should swing back to your waist and then up to your mid chest level.

STRIDE: keep your stride a comfortable length, shorter rather than longer, especially when you move to a higher fitness level and start to go faster. Overstriding will strain your back and tire you more quickly. As your physical condition improves, your stride will naturally lengthen. But, don't try to force it. Let nature take its course.

How far, how fast and how long should I walk?

We recommend a minimum of 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week at a minimum speed at the Beginner level. You will cover about 1.5 miles. As your physical condition improves, move up to the next walking speed and you will burn even more calories and cover more distance without increasing the time you spend.

Top 6 sneaky weight loss secrets.

Virtually everyone tries a diet plan and nearly everyone fails. In the real world, most of us find it impossible to stick with a diet.any diet! Those who do achieve weight-loss through dieting invariably gain back more weight than they lost. The best way to achieve weight-loss and weight-control is to make small changes in your daily life that work for you personally.

Here are several sneaky ways to combine your exercise that will help you lose weight without suffering through an impossible diet plan:


Research proves that people who eat breakfast have the greatest success with weight-control. Eating breakfast helps your blood sugar level, boosts your calorie burning mechanisms, and suppresses your appetite.


Introduce mustard and chili pepper to your menu. Also, pepper, garlic and onion. They satisfy your taste buds so you eat less. Best of all, they burn up as many as 45 to 75 calories after your meal.


Thirty minutes before a meal, eat a nutritious, low calorie snack (a slice of cantaloupe, a carrot, an orange, a pear, a slice of whole grain bread, etc.). It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to receive a message from your stomach. By the time you sit down for your meal, your brain will have received the message that you aren't as hungry. You'll eat less without even thinking about it.


Before sitting down to eat, turn on some soothing music. Research shows that relaxing music has a suppressing effect on your appetite. It's a great way to cut

calories with no effort at all.


Brushing your teeth after a meal will help curb your appetite. Why? Because the toothpaste taste overpowers your taste buds and you will be less likely to want

more foods or snacks.


Many people eat not because they're hungry, but because they're tired. Don't take 15 minutes to eat a midday bowl of ice cream. Instead, take a 15 minute relaxation break. Make sure you get the amount of sleep you need - seven or eight hours a night for most people.

How many calories can I eat without gaining weight?

Here's a simple formula.

1.Divide your weight in pounds by 2.2 = ____________

2.Multiply by 24 = ____________

This is the number of calories you need just to stay alive.

3.Factor in activity calories by multiplying #2 by 1.6 = ____________

This is how many calories you can eat per day without gaining weight. To lose those extra pounds you'll have to burn more calories than you eat, either by exercising more or eating less.

The easiest way to lower your cholesterol.

1.Eat more grapes. Grape skins contain a compound that helps lower cholesterol.

2.Use more garlic. It's a powerful cholesterol-buster. It also helps lower your blood pressure.

3.Eat two carrots a day. This alone can lower your cholesterol 10 to 20 percent.

The best way to get age-defying antioxidants.

Drink Concord grape juice. You'd have to eat 12 bananas, 11 peaches or 41 cups of iceberg lettuce to get the antioxidant power of 6 ounces of Concord grape juice.

Fitting in fitness.

We all know that we should exercise, but most of us think that we just don't have the time. But, did you know that the average person watches television almost 4 hours per day? Try turning off your TV and get out and do something! And remember, without exercise it's virtually impossible to lose weight. Without exercise it's virtually impossible to maintain your health. You really don't have an option. Make exercise a part of your daily routine and you won't believe the good things that will happen to your mental and physical health.

You're kidding! A peanut butter and banana sandwich is good for me!

That's right. A peanut butter and banana sandwich on whole wheat bread is very good for your heart. Peanuts, bananas and wheat germ provide high doses of vitamin B-6. According to new research, people with the highest levels of B-6 have the lowest risk of heart disease. Other good sources of B-6, chicken breast and baked potato.

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