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Rabies: Economics vs Public Safety
By Merlin D. Tuttle

How the fear of rabies can be used to inflate public health budgets at great cost to people and bats . . .

If public health warnings were based on actual probability of harm, bats and rabies would rank near the bottom of the list of threats. Due to successful dog and cat vaccination programs, rabies is now the second rarest disease in the United States and Canada, behind polio, accounting for only one or two human cases annually. To put such a rate in perspective, bicycle accidents killed 800, bee stings 95, and dog attacks 20 in the most recent year of reporting for the United States alone.

Unfortunately, frightening stories about bats and rabies are good for a lucrative rabies control business and for media which unwittingly carry, and sometimes even embellish, already exaggerated stories. Thanks to hundreds of our alert members and colleagues, Bat Conservation International (BCI) has been able to document the rapid growth and consequences of such coverage over the past two years.

Last year, BCI joined forces with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to provide balanced advice through publication of a brochure titled “Bats and Rabies.” The project was headed by Dr. Charles Rupprecht, chief of the Rabies Section, and his expert staff.

We easily agreed on the facts, but when a draft of the proposed brochure was circulated to state health departments, we learned a great deal about the real agendas of those who do most to promote public fear of bats. The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, as well as the National Association of Public Health Veterinarians, gave overwhelmingly positive reviews, and more than 100,000 pre-publication copies were ordered. Nevertheless, several state health departments launched a campaign to have the project terminated or the brochure rewritten. Without providing any documentation for their opposition, they convinced high-level administrators at the CDC to intervene and counter their own experts.

Not surprisingly, opponents predominantly represented states with the largest or least justified bat rabies surveillance and prevention budgets. They strenuously opposed clear emphasis of what is and is not an exposure—the most important issue for medical professionals—and tried to delete helpful advice for homeowners. They also forced deletion of any mention that bats eat mosquitoes and attempted to add a section on vampire bats, even though none live in the United States. The recurring behind-the-scenes theme was that the brochure was “too bat-friendly,” meaning bad for business, and the mandated revisions certainly aided those wishing to foster fear of bats.

In this same period, we have seen more than the usual share of scare-tactic claims that bats can bite people without the bites being noticed. Although there is a remote possibility of being bitten unknowingly while a person is deep in sleep, if this were anything but the rarest of events, rabies would not be the second rarest disease in America.

Over the last year, New York State provided prime examples of the impact of such speculation and its costs to society. Despite only one reported case of bat-transmitted rabies in that state’s history, health officials recently declared a “Bat Rabies Alert,” distributing tens of thousands of warning posters, magnets, and stickers to schools, camps, fairs, and other community sites. At the same time, summer camps and other children’s facilities reported being forced to spend large sums of money for bat-proofing, with the threat of closure if they didn’t comply.

The effects of New York’s bat rabies alert and new policies are best illustrated by the experiences of two children’s camps. The first incident was reported by the Putnam County Reporter-Dispatch on August 11, 1998. Forty-four disabled campers and their counselors were vaccinated, based on health department recommendations, approximately a month after bats flew over them at the Children’s Bible Fellowship Camp. As a result, the camp also was investigated for possible safety violations for failing to protect children from bats.

The second example comes from Camp Dudley, a prestigious boys’ camp and the oldest camp in America. Although not a single safety problem had occurred because of bats in 114 years of operation, the camp was put through an extremely costly ordeal when an apparently healthy bat simply flew in the vicinity of 53 boys.

Imagine being a camp doctor or nurse and having to call the parents of 53 children to explain the health department’s contention that a possible rabies exposure had occurred because a bat was seen flying near their sons. Dr. Stuart Updike, who found himself in that situation, was astonished at the lack of common sense surrounding the entire issue. Updike, a professor of medicine at the University of Wisconsin Medical School, appealed to both the State of New York and the U.S. Advisory Committee on Immune Practices. His letter of October 15, 1998, read, in part:

To help with risk assessment for human rabies, let us compare risk of rabies to risk of motor vehicle accidents. The U.S. National Safety Council reported the 1996 mileage death rate as 1.76 per 100 million vehicle miles. Since 1960, the CDC-reported annual death rate for rabies is approximately one per 150 million persons in the U.S.A., or one or two deaths per year. Analysis of this data shows the risk of death from driving one mile in a motor vehicle is greater than the per- year risk of death from rabies!

The risk-benefit evaluation should also include cost of post exposure prophylaxis (PEP), and the time, anguish and resources needed to explain to parents the Public Health Department recommendation for PEP, which includes that PEP itself is not without risk. At the state level, for Public Health officials who have power to close “unsafe” camps, to explain that they are only offering a “guideline,” and it is the youngster’s parents and personal physician who must make the decision, is not helpful.

Despite only one reported case of bat-transmitted rabies in New York history, state health officials recently declared a "Bat Rabies Alert."

New York’s much-publicized bat rabies alert, combined with its policies that result in vaccination from mere proximity to bats, have resulted in a doubling of the number of New Yorkers seeking vaccination, despite the fact that the recorded incidence of rabid animals has remained stable. An article in the August 22, 1998, issue of the Onondaga Post-Standard cited “experts” as now believing that bats may easily transmit rabies through the skin without evidence of a bite or open cut. By March 16, 1999, such claims caught the attention of the New York Times, focusing national fear on a rare problem that has not changed in decades. The article implied that even when awake, people may fail to detect being bitten by a bat. This point is strongly disputed by leading bat experts, who have lifetimes of experience handling bats. Two months later, these misconceptions were expanded when the May 1999 issue of Child magazine reported that people can contract rabies from bats without even having contact.

Interestingly, states that have so-called “passive” rabies prevention programs in which they simply inform people of animal bite risks and vaccinate pets and exposed humans, suffer no more human rabies mortality than do states with “active” programs supported by large budgets for surveillance and prevention. As Dr. Updike pointed out, it is extremely unlikely that stricter guidelines involving bats and rabies could reduce this consistently rare problem. The letter to the New York Department of Health from state wildlife biologist Alan Hicks (left) illustrates some of the irrationality of current approaches. As leading bat rabies researcher Dr. Denny Constantine once noted: “The public health problems posed by bats are relatively insignificant compared to the public health problems usually initiated by those who publicize bats as problematic.”

Citizens of regions where the public is being misinformed would be well advised to suggest media investigation of how funds could be better allocated toward areas of greater risk. Keep in mind that the vast majority of public health professionals are not participating in scare tactics and, in fact, many are cooperating with bat conservationists. All of us who care about responsible health precautions and the conservation of bats deeply appreciate the efforts of these professionals and of the CDC Rabies Section to find reasonable means of protecting against this horrible disease.

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